Saint Dominic 8th August

Samedi 8 août 2020 — Dernier ajout samedi 7 août 2021

Saint Dominic 8th August

« Jesus rebuked it, the devil came out of the boy, who was cured from that moment ».

Ha.1 12-2,4 Ps.9 Mt 17,14-20

« As they were rejoining the crowd a man came up to him and went down on his knees before him. ‘Lord, take pity on my son he is demented and in a wretched state ; he is always falling into fire and into water. I took him to your disciples and they were unable to cure him. »

Today we celebrate St Dominic, he who’ belongs to the Lord’. Whilst pregnant, Dominic’s mother had a dream where she saw a dog holding in its mouth a torch light enlightening the whole world. This dream resumes the life of Dominic. He was born after his brothers Anthony and Manès. All three of them were to become priests. He was sent to the Palencia Unversity to study theology and philosophy and was spotted by the person in charge of the deanery of Osma. Ths place was in full reformation and he entered here at the age of around twenty-five. He began immediately to shine as the star of the shepherds, by his humility of heart and saintliness. ‘ This Gospel reading fits well with the feast day of Saint Dominic, as we see a father suffering because he cannot do anything for his sick child, alongside the apostles who are also helpless, despite the fact of them being Jesus’ apostles. He wll always have such a great ardour to accomplish the Work of Jesus. A man of prayer, he always wanted to enter into a real communion with God, with a total confidence and surrendering completely to Him. Every day he listens to the Lord, giving up himself to God with his whole being, giving Him all the place in his life. Mankind is unable to do anyhthing against the devil, but if he allows God to act though him, then the combat can be overcome God’s Word has us reflect upon the quality of our faith and how we deepen it.

« In reply Jesus said ‘Perverse and faithless generation ! How much longer must be wth you ! How much longer must I put up with you ? Bring him here to me.‘ And when Jesus rebuked it the devil came out of the boy, who was cured from that moment. »

A legend reports to us that Our Lady appeared to Dominic as Our Lady of the Rosary and that he received the rosary from Our Lady’s hands. With Mary’s help, let us take up the Gospel reading. The father of this child expresses his love for him by asking Jesus for his total healng, by having complete trust in Jesus. He kneels down before Jesus and is sure he will give him what he asks. He makes a complete act of faith. To be able to chase away demons usually requires a specal ministry whch can only be accomplshed by the grace of God. When Dominic came back from Denmark, Pope Innocent III asked Dominic to combat against the Cathars heresy. By simple persuasion Dominic helped bring about many conversions. He did n’t want to take part in the war, simply wanted preaching, prayer and good example to be the arms he used. In Fangeaux he set up the first convent for women. Thanks to his great faith, Jesus could operate great and extraordinary works through St Dominic.

« Then the disciples came privately to Jesus. ‘Why were we unable to drive it out ?’ they asked. He answered ‘Beacause you have so lttle fath. In truth I tell you, if your fath is the size of a mustard seed you will say to this mountain ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move ; nothing wll be impossble for you. »

St Dominic founded the Order of Preachers, better known today under the name of the Dominicans. Continually invited to preach, they wll adopt a rule inspired from St Augustin. Dominic is the founder of the first structures of the Order of preachers ;at its head is a general master, to whom are submitted all other preachers. Each year a general chapter takes place where rules of the Order are elaborated with its judiciary powers. The rule of the Order grants a large place to liturgical prayer and to meditation. The Order must have neither revenues ,nor property, they must beg for their living. The only possessions allowed would be their convents and books for each brother. Each convent is transformed into a house of studies and every province has at its disposition centres of theology and philosophy. Dominic sends forth his first brothers into unversity towns. Thanks to the quality of thier teaching they are rapidly given faculty seats In this way they responded to the recommendation of the fourth Council of Latran inviting Bishops to give erudite preachers to their dioceses . On 6th August 1221 Dominic died in Bologna after a long illness and was canonised on 3rd July 1234 by Pope Gregory IX.

Saint Dominic 8th August

« Jesus rebuked it, the devil came out of the boy, who was cured from that moment ».

Ha.1 12-2,4 Ps.9 Mt 17,14-20

« As they were rejoining the crowd a man came up to him and went down on his knees before him. ‘Lord, take pity on my son he is demented and in a wretched state ; he is always falling into fire and into water. I took him to your disciples and they were unable to cure him. »

Today we celebrate St Dominic, he who’ belongs to the Lord’.

Whilst pregnant, Dominic’s mother had a dream where she saw a dog holding in its mouth a torch light enlightening the whole world. This dream resumes the life of Dominic.

He was born after his brothers Anthony and Manès. All three of them were to become priests. He was sent to the Palencia Unversity to study theology and philosophy and was spotted by the person in charge of the deanery of Osma. Ths place was in full reformation and he entered here at the age of around twenty-five. He began immediately to shine as the star of the shepherds, by his humility of heart and saintliness. ‘

This Gospel reading fits well with the feast day of Saint Dominic, as we see a father suffering because he cannot do anything for his sick child, alongside the apostles who are also helpless, despite the fact of them being Jesus’ apostles.

He wll always have such a great ardour to accomplish the Work of Jesus. A man of prayer, he always wanted to enter into a real communion with God, with a total confidence and surrendering completely to Him. Every day he listens to the Lord, giving up himself to God with his whole being, giving Him all the place in his life.

Mankind is unable to do anyhthing against the devil, but if he allows God to act though him, then the combat can be overcome

God’s Word has us reflect upon the quality of our faith and how we deepen it.

« In reply Jesus said ‘Perverse and faithless generation ! How much longer must be wth you ! How much longer must I put up with you ? Bring him here to me.‘ And when Jesus rebuked it the devil came out of the boy, who was cured from that moment. »

A legend reports to us that Our Lady appeared to Dominic as Our Lady of the Rosary and that he received the rosary from Our Lady’s hands.

With Mary’s help, let us take up the Gospel reading.

The father of this child expresses his love for him by asking Jesus for his total healng, by having complete trust in Jesus. He kneels down before Jesus and is sure he will give him what he asks. He makes a complete act of faith.

To be able to chase away demons usually requires a specal ministry whch can only be accomplshed by the grace of God. When Dominic came back from Denmark, Pope Innocent III asked Dominic to combat against the Cathars heresy. By simple persuasion Dominic helped bring about many conversions. He did n’t want to take part in the war, simply wanted preaching, prayer and good example to be the arms he used.

In Fangeaux he set up the first convent for women.

Thanks to his great faith, Jesus could operate great and extraordinary works through St Dominic.

« Then the disciples came privately to Jesus. ‘Why were we unable to drive it out ?’ they asked.

He answered ‘Beacause you have so lttle fath. In truth I tell you, if your fath is the size of a mustard seed you will say to this mountain ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move ; nothing wll be impossble for you. »

St Dominic founded the Order of Preachers, better known today under the name of the Dominicans. Continually invited

to preach, they wll adopt a rule inspired from St Augustin. Dominic is the founder of the first structures of the Order of preachers ;at its head is a general master, to whom are submitted all other preachers. Each year a general chapter takes place where rules of the Order are elaborated with its judiciary powers.

The rule of the Order grants a large place to liturgical prayer and to meditation. The Order must have neither revenues ,nor property, they must beg for their living. The only possessions allowed would be their convents and books for each brother. Each convent is transformed into a house of studies and every province has at its disposition centres of theology and philosophy.

Dominic sends forth his first brothers into unversity towns. Thanks to the quality of thier teaching they are rapidly given faculty seats In this way they responded to the recommendation of the fourth Council of Latran inviting Bishops to give erudite preachers to their dioceses .

On 6th August 1221 Dominic died in Bologna after a long illness and was canonised on 3rd July 1234 by Pope Gregory IX.

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