Feast Days of Our Lady (Fêtes de Notre-Dame)

Is.9,1-6 Ps.112 Lk.1,26-38

He. 5, 7-9 Ps. 30 Jn. 19, 25-27

Ac.1, 12-14 Lk1 Lk 1, 26-38

Is 61, 9-11 Sm 2, 1. Lk. 2, 41-51

Gn.3,9-15.20 Ps.97 Ep.1,3-611-12 LK.1,26-38

Our Lady of Lourdes Jesus said to Mary :“What do you want from me? My hour has not yet come. His mother said to the servants : ’Do whatever He tells you.’” Wednesday 11th February 2015 Feast Days of Our Lady. 2. Our Lady of Lourdes “On the third day, there was a wedding feast at Cana in (…)

Ac.1,12-14 Jud.13 Jn.19,25-27

So.3,14-18a Is.12 Lk.1,39-56

1R 18, 42b-45 Ps. 14, 1, 2-3a3b-4 Jn. 19, 25-27

Ap.12,1-10 Ps.44 1 Co. 15,20-27 Lk.1,39-5

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