Week 4 : Wednesday of 4th week, uneven year
Jesus went to his home town and his disciples accompanied him. With the coming of the Sabbath he began teaching in the synagogue, and most of them were astonished when they heard him. They said : where did the man get all this? What is this wisdom that has been granted him? And these miracles that are worked through him?“Jesus comes back to Nazareth the cradle of his childhood, where he finds his family, cousins,, his friends and neighbours .On the day of the Sabbath, he goes into the Synagogue. No doubt his co patriots welcome him with great joy. But as soon as Jesus starts to teach them, the welcome he received turns quickly into rejection, for they were”deeply astonished when they heard him.“For them, Jesus is just the village carpenter, Mary’s son, It is impossible for them to see him now as a prophet, even less so as the Messiah. This Word is a precious teaching for our spiritual life. How should we see Jesus as he returns to Nazareth after having started his mission? He is the son of Mary, his family is there, his bothers and sisters, that is his cousins. Jesus is not made welcome. They look on him as before, as if nothing could change. In this place,” Jesus could not accomplish any miracle.“God cannot act unless we adapt ourselves to the Holy Spirit. Because of their lack of faith there will not be any miracles in Jesus’ country :” Jesus is surprised by their lack of faith“On the other hand, we can imagine the joy of Mary, his mother! This Word is still very much something that goes on today :” He couldn’t do any miracle there, except that he cured few sick people by laying his hands on them.“The work of God is in proportion to our faith : Lord, I believe, but come and help me in my lack of faith!”This is the carpenter, surely, the son of Mary, the brother of James and Joset and Jude and Simon? His sisters too are they not here with us? And they would not accept him. And Jesus said to them, ’A prophet is despised only in his own country, among his own relations and in his own
house.; and he could work no miracle there, except that he cured a few sick people by laying his hands on them.“The people of Nazareth are surprised and reject Jesus, who responds with astonishment at their lack of faith. According to the Gospels two human attitudes are capable of surprising the Son of God : a faultless faith such as that of the centurion or on the contrary a lack of faith that becomes apparent. Whoever is ahead of his time, ahead of people around him, or who holds fast in defense of a truth of his faith, or customs that go against public opinion, encounters most often scorn and criticism in the heart of his own community. We often consider the past as something that does not shift but everything has changed around us. A new way of seeing things is necessary!” Most of them were astonished when they heard him.“We need to grow in the Holy Spirit who makes all things new. I can be established securely, then nothing moves and it is deadly. Sometimes we hear”I’ve been living with this person for fifteen years, it’s always the same thing, nothing can move!“The Word of God is an important eye-opener for us in our fraternal relationships as it is as we build up God’s Kingdom.”Jesus was amazed at their lack of faith. He made a tour round the villages, teaching.“At times God makes use of people in our reach to transmit the Gospel to us. But it is often more difficult for us to accept their testimony than when we listen to someone” unknown who comes to us from elsewhere“who tells us about something that amazes us , even if this cannot be proved. Yet it may happen that God speaks to us through people close to us at important moments in our life. Are we ready to welcome what they have to say to us ,that which is good and true? Still today we find doubt and lack of faith in our lives! Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit to open up our hearts !” We harvest what we sowed.“Our actions are the fruit of our thoughts and our waywardness of our nature prevent God from acting. Loved and chosen by God, we are filled with God’s Love who wants us to have boundless trust in Him.” Happy is he who puts his trust in the Lord, he will be like a tree at the edge of the water“In his Infinite Mercy, God gives us the means to progress in our life so as to hasten the Coming of God’s Kingdom. Moved by the Holy Spirit, we are going further all the time!” Be careful, do not let anyone remove the grace that is within you!" The Holy Spirit acts at all times wherever we are and through us.