Monday of 33rd week, even numbered year / Lundi de la 33e semaine, année paire

“Jesus asked him ’What do you want me to do for you?’ ’Sir, let me see again’ Jesus answered him ’Receive your sight your faith has saved you.”
Sunday 18 September 2016 — Latest update Tuesday 3 December 2024

Ap.1,1-5a;2,1-5 Ps.1 Lk.18,35-43

Monday 33rd Week even numbered year

“Now it happened that Jesus drew near to Jericho and there was a blind man sitting the road side begging. When he heard the crowd going past he asked what it was all about, and they told him that Jesus the Nazarene was passing by.”

When he heard Jesus coming, the blind man in the Gospel lives his realities which are more and more unbearable, his blindness seems so hard for him, so he cries out’ Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me.’ This blind man feels deep down in himself something luminous. But they want to prevent him form speaking, they want him to shut up but he cries out all the louder!

The life of Saints is always marked by the recital of their conversion, an encounter with Jesus. This healing which occurs from the inside, is received by every Christian on the day of his Baptism : itis a gift of faith, hope and charity.

These ’virtues’ are only efficient when we become aware of them and use them, for Jesus has us become ’anew man’ who turns freely towards the Saviour.

And so we place our trust in him and commit ourselves into a Covenant with him ’to follow him.’

This decision transforms our way of being and of acting, Jesus’ Light shoos blindness away.

In his Person, Jesus is the healing offered to us, which draws us closer to Him. This cry towards light is found in each one of us but we stifle it, it is good that we notice it so as to also cry towards Jesus : ’Jesus, Son of God, have pity on me!’

“The people in front scolded him to keep quiet he only shouted all the louder ’Son of David, have pity on me!’ Jesus stopped and ordered them to bring the man to him asked him’ What do you want me to do for you?’ He replied ’Let me see again.”

Like this man, we need Jesus to put us back on our own feet again. Jesus listens to his painful reality, he draws close to our wounded being, he is the Heart which sees humanity in suffering : ’What do you want me to do for you?’ Aware of the misery dwelling in us, we also cry out : ’Lord, make me see. Lord, make me hear! Lord, make me listen! ’

The invisible world of Love is offered to us by Jesus in His Church, in Hs Sacraments and in his Gospel.

Faith is the Light from above which enlightens our intelligence. It is also a divine force which makes our will more a dynamic one so we commit our lives. Jesus is in need of our cry so as to be able to act. If we welcome our salvation, he gives us faith which allows us to live our Christian life in the midst of a materialistic and indifferent world.

To believe means to recognise Jesus’ Presence which rises in his he puts us into relationship with the Divine Persons, through Jesus the ’Way, the Truth and the Life.’ The cries bursting forth out of the night, we are too used to them, we turn away from them! We ask for the grace to hear Jesus’ Voice again.

“Jesus said to him ’Receive your sight. Your faith has saved you.’ And instantly his sight returned and he followed him praising God and all the people who saw it gave praise to God.”

Our desire is to keep God’s Word in our heart. We have the desire to remain in contact with our Source who is God. We need to give up our possessions and become this man who runs towards Jesus, letting go of his cloak that weighs him down. Our heart is likely to grow dull, our spirit to grow faint

Our daily preoccupations taking over our daily life. Forgetting God e forget what is the essential, and by this very fact we forget our brother who is in need of us!

The Word of God is Living, it is a precious word, linked to the Mouth of the One who gives it, it heals us.

God comes to our aid and He saves us. We want to get behind Him, the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, He who overcomes our death. He is Present and it is His Love, this relationship of Love we have with Him, which has to always be wjhat is most important in our lives.

Faith allows us to have this divine conversation and this encounter with Jesus Christ, which is completely inner, and this makes our faith grow. Our faith can always grow and Jesus desires that the whole of humanity be save.

We ask Jesus to heal our humanity so that we may remain in his Love.

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