7th Sunday OT year ’A’ / 7e dimanche TO année’ A’

« You must therefore be perfect, just as your Heavenly Father is perfect. »
Lundi 19 décembre 2016 — Dernier ajout jeudi 14 novembre 2024

Lv.19,1-2,11-18 1 Co.3,16-23 Mt.5,38-48

7th Sunday of OT year ’A’ "You therefore, be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect.’ Lv.19,1-2,11-18 1 Co.3,16-23 Mt.5,38-48 « You have heard it said ’Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, well I say unto you not to slash back at the one who attacks you. If someone slaps you on the chek show him the other one. And if someone wants to pursue you injustice and take your tunic, let him take your cloak too. And if someone asks you t go a thousand steps with him, go two thousand with him. Love your enemies in order to become sons of your Father in heaven ! »   Jesus gives us another way of seeing things which draws us closer to our Heavenly Father. ’What I say to you’ takes on an important signification. It is the filiation with our Father that all that we go through take son meaning. He can say ’I say unto you’ for he lives and is this true filiation. His work of salvation wants us to enter into t his filiation. The secret of Jesus’ Gospel has us reach the consciousness of our own filiation. Following Jesus we are called to do as He did, to put into practice this recognition of the Father in his generosity.  It is hard for us who are ’sinners’ not to strike back at the person who is horrible towards us for we are governed by our own selfishness and desire to dominate. What remedy can we bring to mankind and this deep evil that undermines it ? It is Jesus Passion and Resurrection which will open us up to the new Love which our hearts are so in need of. Jesus wishes too teach us that the law of love has to triumph over the law of reciprocity of evil. « Give to whoever asks ; don’t turn away from whoever wants to borrow something from you ! Yu have learned that it is said ’You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy. Well, I say to you : Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you in order to become truly sons of your Heavenly father ; for He makes the sun rise on the good and bad, makes the rain fall down upon the uprighteous and unrighteous ones. Whoever asks you to go a mile with him, go two miles with him. » In order to become ’children of our Father’ who is Heaven, we have to recognise the benevolence of God. Through free choice, desire to enter intot his benevolence ! We don’t know how to do this without the help of Jesus ’Without me’, he said ’you can do nothing.’ To do this we need to love ourselves as Jesus loves us. He will give us His Holy Spirit. Jesus wishes to cultivate within us fraternity and love. And so spiritual freedom will germinate and this will allow us to go beyond the infernal cycle of evil. We understand how love has us aspire to respect ourselves and other people. « For indeed, if you love those who love you what reward will you get ? Don’t the publicans themselves do the same thing ? And if you do not greet your brothers, what do you do that is extraordinary ? Don’t the pagans themselves do as much ? But you,, be perfect as the Heavenly father is perfect. » We come into the contemplation of the Father’s generosity. His wide spread generosity wants to spread out into our own lives. If we wish to receive it we give ourselves to Him in order to allow Him to grow within us. In heaven a door will open up for us, giving us the possibility to be able to live in truth all that we are, that is the beloved child of the Father. The Word of God is alive and vivifying, accomplishes in our lives all it announces ! May it bring about our desire in our lives. We give our consent to it and get ready for the work of Salvation brought about by Jesus. Love and respect are established in our hearts going well beyond notion sof good and moral badness. Hatred and despise are transfigured in filiation with the Lord Jesus. We contemplate the splendour of our Father so that it is impregnated in our hearts. We ask for the grace to live from the Holy Spirit, the Infinite Love of the Heart of Jesus.

7th Sunday OT year’A’ « You must therefore be perfect, just as your Heavenly Father is perfect. » Lv.19,1-2,11-18 1 Co.3,16-23 Mt.5,38-48 « You have heard how it was said’Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. But I say this to you : offer no resistance to the wicked. On the contrary, if someone hits you on the right cheek, offer him the other as well ; if someone wishes to go to law with you to get your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone requires you to go one milego two miles with him. Love your ennemies so you may be children of your Father in Heaven ! » Jesus proposes a new way of seeing things, one which brings us closer to our Heavenly Father. ’What I tell you’ finds an important meaning. All that we live takes on a new meaning through our filiation with the Father. We come to undnerstand how Jesus, Son of the Father, can be the one referent of hios speeches. He can say’ I say unto you’ for he is living and he is this true filiation. His work of Salvation wants to get us to come into this filiation. Following Jesus, we are called to do as He does, to put into practice this recognition of the Father in his generosity.  It isn’t easy for us, ’sinners’ not to talk back at those who are nasty towards us, for our selfish ego governs us as does our desire to dominate. What remedy can we bring to the deep evil undermining humanity ? It is the Passion and Ressurection of Jesus that will open up for us a new Love that our heart is in need of so much. Jesus wants to teach us that the law of Love has to triumph over the law of reciprocity. « Give to anyone who asks you, and if anyon wants to borrow, do not turn away.Ou have heard how it was said : ’You will love youreighbour, and hate your enemy, But I say unto you, love your ennemies and pray for those who persecute you ; so tat you may be children of your Father in Heaven ; for he causes the sun to rise on the bad as well as the good,sends down rain to fall on the upright and the wicked alike. »  In order to ’become children of the Father’ in heaven, we need to recognise how benevolent God is. Out of a free choice, desire to enter into this benevolence ! We don’t know how to get there without Jesus helping us He tells us ’Without me you can do nothing.’ To do this we ned to love ourselves as He loves us. He will give us His Holy Spirit. Jesu wishes to cultivate in us fraternity and love, so that spiriutal freedom germinates, thus allowing us to get over teh infernal cycle of evil. We understand that beyond fraternity love wants us to aspire to th respect of ourselves and of our neighbour. « For if you love those who love yu,hat eward will you get ? Do not ven the tax collectors do as much ? And if you save your greetings for your broths, are you doing anything exceptional ? Doot even the getiles do as much ? You must therefore be perfect,just as your heavenly Father is perfect. »  We come to the contemplation of the Father’s generosity as we see our own life and consider how great his generosity is. To recieve it means to give ourselves to another person to allow him also also grow. We have the secret of the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus. A door is opened up for us in Heaven and this gives us the power to live with what we are : the beloved child of the Father. The Word of God is alive and vigorous, it accomplishes what it announces ! We have the desire that it be brought about in our lives, for this we give our consent and lend ourselves to the work of Salvatio brought about in Jesus. Love and respect are established in our hearts by going well beyond the notions of good and of evil. Hatred and despisal are transfigured by the filiation with the Lord Jesus.  We contemplate the spleandour of our Father so that it fills our hearts. We ask for the grace to live from the Holy Spirt, the Infinite Love of the Heart of Jesus. 

7th Sunday OT year’A’

« You have heard how it was said’Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. But I say this to you : offer no resistance to the wicked. On the contrary, if someone hits you on the right cheek, offer him the other as well ; if someone wishes to go to law with you to get your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone requires you to go one milego two miles with him. Love your ennemies so you may be children of your Father in Heaven ! » Jesus proposes a new way of seeing things, one which brings us closer to our Heavenly Father. ’What I tell you’ finds an important meaning. All that we live takes on a new meaning through our filiation with the Father. We come to undnerstand how Jesus, Son of the Father, can be the one referent of hios speeches. He can say’ I say unto you’ for he is living and he is this true filiation. His work of Salvation wants to get us to come into this filiation. Following Jesus, we are called to do as He does, to put into practice this recognition of the Father in his generosity.  It isn’t easy for us, ’sinners’ not to talk back at those who are nasty towards us, for our selfish ego governs us as does our desire to dominate. What remedy can we bring to the deep evil undermining humanity ? It is the Passion and Ressurection of Jesus that will open up for us a new Love that our heart is in need of so much. Jesus wants to teach us that the law of Love has to triumph over the law of reciprocity. « Give to anyone who asks you, and if anyon wants to borrow, do not turn away.Ou have heard how it was said : ’You will love youreighbour, and hate your enemy, But I say unto you, love your ennemies and pray for those who persecute you ; so tat you may be children of your Father in Heaven ; for he causes the sun to rise on the bad as well as the good,sends down rain to fall on the upright and the wicked alike. »  In order to ’become children of the Father’ in heaven, we need to recognise how benevolent God is. Out of a free choice, desire to enter into this benevolence ! We don’t know how to get there without Jesus helping us He tells us ’Without me you can do nothing.’ To do this we ned to love ourselves as He loves us. He will give us His Holy Spirit. Jesu wishes to cultivate in us fraternity and love, so that spiriutal freedom germinates, thus allowing us to get over teh infernal cycle of evil. We understand that beyond fraternity love wants us to aspire to th respect of ourselves and of our neighbour. « For if you love those who love yu,hat eward will you get ? Do not ven the tax collectors do as much ? And if you save your greetings for your broths, are you doing anything exceptional ? Doot even the getiles do as much ? You must therefore be perfect,just as your heavenly Father is perfect. »  We come to the contemplation of the Father’s generosity as we see our own life and consider how great his generosity is. To recieve it means to give ourselves to another person to allow him also also grow. We have the secret of the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus. A door is opened up for us in Heaven and this gives us the power to live with what we are : the beloved child of the Father. The Word of God is alive and vigorous, it accomplishes what it announces ! We have the desire that it be brought about in our lives, for this we give our consent and lend ourselves to the work of Salvatio brought about in Jesus. Love and respect are established in our hearts by going well beyond the notions of good and of evil. Hatred and despisal are transfigured by the filiation with the Lord Jesus.  We contemplate the spleandour of our Father so that it fills our hearts.

We ask for the grace to live from the Holy Spirt, the Infinite Love of the Heart of Jesus. 

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