6 th Sunday of Ordinary Time year A / 6e dimanche TO, année A

’May your ’yes be ’yes and your ’no’ be ’no’.
Sunday 11 December 2016 — Latest update Thursday 14 November 2024

Si.15, 15-20 Ps.118 1 Co.2, 15-20 Mt.5,17-37

6th Sunday of Ordinary Time year ’A’ « May your ‘yes’ be ‘yes and your ‘no’ be ‘no. Si.15, 15-20 Ps.118 1 Co.2, 15-20 Mt.5,17-37 “”For I tell you, if your unrighteousness does not surpass that of the scribes and Pharisees you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven.” Jesus is speaking about authority and his speech seems to be a new one, coming form right down inside his person. It is not a question of an outer newness, but of one that is on the inside. ’He says ’You have learned’ and ’I tell you solemnly’, and ’I tell you’. Each time Jesus picks up ’’what was said tot hose of old’ in his answer, he is pointing to an inner attitude. Jesus proposes to go from’ murder’ to ‘anger’; from the ’false sermon’ to the simple fact of ’swearing’. Jesus desires to lead each person to the integrity of his person. This inner replace where Jesus designates as being undesirable, well, we can remain in it, in our relationship with Jesus. In His Infinite Love He reconciles us to ourselves and with God: ’for I say unto you, in truth: before Heaven and earth pass away, not an ’I’ nor a dot on the ’I’ will pass before the Law, everything will come about.’ The new harmony brought by Jesus passes through his heart He is the One who saves us, by loving his Father, and whom he "glorifies’ by saving us! ’Whoever will execute the least precepts and will teach them will be considered the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven." “If anyone hits you on the right cheek, offer them the other.” During these torturous times we are going through, Jesus helps us to rise up. If we try to make excuses for those who are guilty, they will become dangerous people guilty of trouble and faults. Understanding the personality the one who is accused, his social difficulties, whether they be economic or family, may lead us to a permanent insecurity. Jesus’ Gospel requires of us to respect our sisters and brothers, to accomplish the Path of Love. Jesus fortifies even more God’s Law and he helps us to humbly recognise that we need to be converted. Jesus reveals that life is not something that is deserved. The powerlessness of the law to obtain salvation reveals, by contrast, that life is given to us by God, it is a gift, forgiveness, without being anything we deserve and without any reason. “Come to terms with your opponent in good time while you are still on the way to court with him, or he may hand you over to the judge and the judge to the officer, and you will be thrown into prison.” Jesus asks us to be true. The law doesn’t stand by itself, understanding is needed, friendship, love, grace and forgiveness. We touch not only Jesus’ ’delicacy’ but the deep truth of his being. It is a question of respecting the other person! The other person is one of God’s creatures. When we touch our sister or brother, we touch God Himself. We ask for the grace to remain in truth and light, that our tongue may say ’no? No.’ And ’yes? Yes."

”For I tell you, if your unrighteousness does not surpass that of the scribes and Pharisees you will not enter the kingdom of Heaven.” Jesus is speaking about authority and his speech seems to be a new one, coming form right down inside his person. It is not a question of an outer newness, but of one that is on the inside. ’He says ’You have learned’ and ’I tell you solemnly’, and ’I tell you’. Each time Jesus picks up ’’what was said tot hose of old’ in his answer, he is pointing to an inner attitude. Jesus proposes to go from’ murder’ to ‘anger’; from the ’false sermon’ to the simple fact of ’swearing’. Jesus desires to lead each person to the integrity of his person. This inner replace where Jesus designates as being undesirable, well, we can remain in it, in our relationship with Jesus. In His Infinite Love He reconciles us to ourselves and with God: ’for I say unto you, in truth: before Heaven and earth pass away, not an ’I’ nor a dot on the ’I’ will pass before the Law, everything will come about.’ The new harmony brought by Jesus passes through his heart He is the One who saves us, by loving his Father, and whom he "glorifies’ by saving us! ’Whoever will execute the least precepts and will teach them will be considered the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven." “If anyone hits you on the right cheek, offer them the other.” During these torturous times we are going through, Jesus helps us to rise up. If we try to make excuses for those who are guilty, they will become dangerous people guilty of trouble and faults. Understanding the personality the one who is accused, his social difficulties, whether they be economic or family, may lead us to a permanent insecurity. Jesus’ Gospel requires of us to respect our sisters and brothers, to accomplish the Path of Love. Jesus fortifies even more God’s Law and he helps us to humbly recognise that we need to be converted. Jesus reveals that life is not something that is deserved. The powerlessness of the law to obtain salvation reveals, by contrast, that life is given to us by God, it is a gift, forgiveness, without being anything we deserve and without any reason. “Come to terms with your opponent in good time while you are still on the way to court with him, or he may hand you over to the judge and the judge to the officer, and you will be thrown into prison.” Jesus asks us to be true. The law doesn’t stand by itself, understanding is needed, friendship, love, grace and forgiveness. We touch not only Jesus’ ’delicacy’ but the deep truth of his being. It is a question of respecting the other person! The other person is one of God’s creatures. When we touch our sister or brother, we touch God Himself.

We ask for the grace to remain in truth and light, that our tongue may say ’no? No.’ And ’yes? Yes."

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