3rd Wednesday of Advent (3e mercredi de l’Avent)

"Are you the one who is to come, or are we to expect someone else?
Thursday 15 June 2023 — Latest update Sunday 10 November 2024

Is.45,6b-8. 18.21b-25 Ps.84 LK.7,18-23

Wednesday of 3rd week of Advent

"John, summoning two of his dsiciples, sent them to the Lord to ask, ’Are you the one who is to come, or are we to expect someone else?’

John the Baptist is going through a great combat and a great torment. He is inwardly anguished. This is an underhand and subtle temptaion for each one of us : what’s the use? For what victory?’ John the Baptis had always considered himself as the one who was to prepare the coming of God’s Messiah. He knows that he is close to death. In sending his disciples to Jesus he is announcing that he is in prison.Perhaps John the Baptist is wondering how to get his disciples out of these ordeals, to overcome them,for they too are undergoing tempations! So he calls two of his disciples to him and sends them to the Lord Jesus to ask him “Are you the one who is to come or are we to expect someone else?’ Jesus has a clear response for John :’The poor are hearing good news.’ Jesus’ words are bringing about what John the Baptist himself is talking about. Jesus underlines that the poor are taking up hope. Still today this is what is a genuine stamp of evangelsation : ’the blind see, the deaf hear, the crippled walk, the dead are brought back to life, the Good News is announced to the poor.’ It is the response of Love stronger than death.And this is really what John the Baptist came to announce.”When teh men reached Jesus they said, ’John the Baptist has sen us to you to ask, ’Are youy he one who is to come or areww e to expect someone else?’ At that very time he cured many people of diseases and afflictions and of evil spirits, and gave the gift of sight to many who were blind.“The disciples can be convinced, and John must be enlightened by them. When we have faith in Jesus we are led to change society. Jesus’ Word is for us, from now on we are going to bear witness to him and this witness is our Joy, it will be perfect in the Kingdom of God. During this time of Advent we ask for the grace to truely listen. This ’listening’ of God is fundamental to all Christian life bearing witness to Jesus Saviour. The world is in a state of disarray and we are forever encountering things that get in our way. The word of God helps us : ’I am listening , what will the Lord God say : what he says is Peace for his people.”

“Then he gave the messangers their answer : ’Go back and tell John what you have heard and seen : the blind see again, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, the good news is proclaimed to the poor, and blessed is anyone who does not find me a cause of failing.”

it would seem as though John was expecting Jesus to give an explicit witness to himself, but what he does is he consents to give to his disciples a witness of his tender compassion : the blind see, the crippled walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are risen, the Good News is proclaimed to the poor. Blessed is anyone who does not find in me a cause of falling!

This passage is found in the text of Isaiah and Jesus applies it to himself at the beginning of his public life. It is now possible that the Love of God echoes in our hearts. The Love of God will shine forth on our faces, even if, like John the Baptist, we are going through ordeals.

’Love and truth meet.’

In all circumstances we remain in Light and in Love.

’Justice and Peace embrace.’

We know that we are not always adjusted to God’s Heart, on the level of this justice that comes from God. If we are, then ’Truth will germinate on earth’; It is possible, with the grace of God, for he said ’I am the Lord your God and there is no other.’ In this time of Advent, we are introduced by John the Baptist into our vocation :’ Blesssed are the artisans of peace, they will be called sons of God!’ We ask for this attitude of adoration so as to always have our ears attentive to his inspiration and to learn from God just how much he counts for us.

We ask for the grace of a great faith so that our heart be transparent with the Heart of God.

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