2nd Sunday of Lent year ’B’
Six days afterwards, Jesus took Peter, James and John with him, only them, apart on a high mountain. And he was transfigured with them. His clothes became shining white, with a whiteness that no one on earth could ever produce. Elijah appeared with Moses and both had a conversation with Jesus." Jesus took up the mountain Peter, the first brother who will preside over charity in the Church; then James, the first martyr Apostle in Jerusalem and also John who will receive Mary at the Cross. Then all of a sudden, they were there before Jesus who dazzled them! Jesus’ transfiguration gives us courage again when we are going through painful moments. God reveals Himself in the Covenant which the Father has concluded with us through his Only Son, the Beloved. So let’s not be afraid, Jesus has overcome the world, with Him we go through ordeals and hardships in this life. As for Mary, what troubles her is an illumination when she receives the angel’s message announcing Jesus. Mary welcomes Jesus in a state of vulnerability. The Transfiguration is given to us so that we may wait in patience, the gift of God! After Jesus’ disfiguration will come his glorification! The same goes for us, we only need to take a glance at Jesus, as Jesus looked at his Father, to see how he accomplished the Word of the Father He who is the Beloved Son. “Then Peter said ’Rabbi, it is good that we be here! Let’s put up three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” In fact, Peter didn’t know what to say, he was so afraid. A cloud came and covered them with its shadow, and out of the cloud a voice could be heard: ’This is my beloved Son: listen to him!’ Suddenly, looking all around them, they could see only Jesus by Himself with themselves." This manifestation from God is part of Jesus journey going up to Jerusalem. It already shows the newness of the New Covenant. Jesus is in conversation with Elijah and with Moses: the law and the prophets. These two figures of the First Covenant surround Jesus and are having a conversation with Him. And so, Jesus appears as though in a new stage of the Revelation. The Fathers’ Voice can be heard: ’This is my beloved Son whom I have chosen, listen to Him.“With Jesus, the New Covenant consists in believing in the work of grace made manifest in Jesus. We are in Christ’s mystery. The beloved child of the Father saves us. The Holy Spirit dwells within us so that we may dwell in Love. When we are going through a hard time in our life, we take a look at the witnesses of God’s Tenderness. God who transfigures Jesus, can ’make use of what is painful in his life and our own so as to transform us. We are going to have to admit that the beloved Son of the Father passes through suffering!”They came down from the mountain and Jesus ordered them to tell no-one what they had seen, before the Son of man be risen from amongst the dead. "And they kept firmly attached to these words, whilst wondering what this might mean: ’risen from the dead’. The Good News is the event of Jesus’ victory over death. Jesus’ Life manifests the true way to be saved, that is to live in communion with God. His crucifixion showed he was a criminal: cursed be the one hung on the wood of the cross. Paul will tell us that God had identified Himself to sin for us. But after the Passion, God, Jesus’ Father brought Jesus back from the dead. When Jesus asked about his identity, Peter had said: ’You are the messiah, the Son of the Living God!’ Today the Father’s voice can be heard: ’This is my beloved Son, listen to Him!’ The disciples will keep this vision on the mountain a secret.