2nd Sunday Ordinaire Time year A / 2e dimanche TO, année A

“Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world”
Tuesday 17 March 2015 — Latest update Thursday 14 November 2024

Is.49,3.5-6 Ps.39 1 Co.1,1-3 Jn.1,29-34

2nd Sunday Ordinary Time year ’A’

“The following day, when he saw Jesus coming towards him, John declared ’Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.’ He is the one of whom I spoke : the man coming after me went before me for he existed before me.”   John the Baptist’s testimony gives us a vision of faith in the Person of Jesus. The face of the Lamb of God resumes the history of the Covenant by evoking the Exodus Pascal Lamb,the night when the people of God was delivered and set free. It is also the Suffering Servant of the prophet Isaiah, led to be butchered, ’As a lamb’ because of the sins of his people. He is the victorious Lamb of the Apocalypse that destroy evil in the world. His pre-existence confirms what Jesus will tell the Pharisees :’Before Abraham existed, I am.’ This Lamb of God who takes a way the sins of the world, is the child who took on flesh of the Virgin Mary. He is Love taking on flesh in humanity. Christ Jesus, the mystery of the Living God gives us his Word o Life and places us back into the dignity of our being. The human person finds his origin once more in the dignity of our being. The human person finds his origin once more in God’s Mystery. By the experience of the love of the woman for her child, Jesus has us understand the overflowing Love of God who is in us through the Holy Spirit. The Precursor turns our gaze towards Jesus. It is He whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world. "I saw the Spirit come down on him like a dove from heaven and rest on him.  I did not know him myself, and yet my purpose in coming to baptise with water was so that he might be revealed to Israel.’  And John declared ’I saw the Spirit John the Baptist’s path is one of someone poor who is there before the One who is even poorer and lies within himself, Christ Jesus. ’Behold the Lamb of God’ he says’ who takes away the sins of the world.’ This witness of Baptist marks the moment of faith in Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of God. The Spirit, come down upon Jesus at his Baptism, stayed upon Him. Consequently, Jesus possesses permanently the Holy Spirit throughout his life. The Book of Isaiah already announced that the Holy Spirit would rest upon the Messiah , come from the source of Jesse. God will place His Spirit upon his servant, the chosen One who would have all his favour. Jesus waited for ’his hour’, the hour of his Passion and his Glorification, in order to transmit the Holy Spirit to mankind ,come to Him through faith. Our wish is to drink from the same source of Infinite Love. Let us ask for the grace to become in our turn a Source for God disappears before hi creature. ’The Lord said to me : ’You are my servant Israel, in you I shall be glorified.’ God’s Mystery, in his overflowing Love hides itsself. He turns us into a spring. ’In you I shall be glorified.’ In you I shall manifest my Love. We come humbly towards Him, the One gentle and humble of heart.   “I did not know him myself but he who sent me to baptise with water had said to me, ’The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and rest is the one who is to baptise with the Holy Spirit. I have seen and testified that he is the Son of God.”  It is because Jesus loves us so much that we love Him and that w are able to love ourselves. We have value in the eyes of the Lord, he gave his Life so as to bring humanity together in Him. Adoration allows us to recognise how all things come from God and return to Him. When the priest celebrates the Eucharist he shows the Body of Christ and takes up the very words of the precursor : ’Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.’ Jesus’ Love for us is shown to be so strong. He comes to us with his forgiveness in the midst of our misery. It is the victory over evil that puts us back on our feet. When ever Jesus comes into a community Everything is for him. We want to remain in this origin, in the Source of Love, in order to hold firm in hope and to become servants of God’s Infinite Love.

We ask the Lord Jesus for the grace to be faithful to the Source of Life, to become a source in the midst of the world.

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