Week/Semaine 1 - 10

2nd Sunday of OT, year ’C’ “On the third day there was a wedding feast at Cana. The mother of Jesus was there.Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding feast.And they ran out of wine, since all the wine provided for the feast had all been used. The mother of Jesus said to (…)

Ne.8,1-4a 5-6 8-10 Ps.18 1 Co.12,12-30 Lk.1,1-4;4,14-21

Mi. 5,1-4a Ps.79 He.10,5-10 Lk.1,39-45

Is.6,1-20.3-8 Ps.137 1 Co.15,1-11 Lk.5,1-11

Ac.15,1-2.22-29 Ps.66 Ap.21,10-14.22-23 Jn.14,23-29

1 R.17,17-24 Ps.29 Ga.1,11-19 Lk.7,11-17

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