Saturday 33rd week Samedi 33e semaine

« And Moses himself implies that the dead rise again, in the passage about te bush where he calls the Lord the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. »
Mardi 20 septembre 2016 — Dernier ajout jeudi 22 septembre 2016

Ap.11,4-12 Ps.143 Lk.20,27-40

Saturday 33rd week even numbered year

« And Moses himself implies that the dead rise again, in the passage about te bush where he calls the Lord the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. »

Ap.11,4-12 Ps.143 Lk.20,27-40

« Some Sadducees-those who argue that there is no resurrection- approached him and they put this question to him :’Master, Moses prescribed for us, if a man’s married brother dies childless, the man must marry the widow to raise up children for his brother. »

The Resurrection is at the heart of Christian faith for Jesus’ resurrection is the foundation of our hope faced with universal reality of death.

This reality of the ending of our earthly life has caused many refection throughout centuries. When we give an answer to the meaning of death, then we also determinate the meaning of life.

The Gospel has us enter into a whole new perspective of human life. It teaches us how Our Blessed Lady formed a body for Jesus out of Love, and that she gives us to Jesus, the Son of the Father who is revealed in this way.

Already Jesus’ resurrection is at work, it is constantly celebrated in the Paschal mystery which now nourishes our earthly pilgrimage sown with dangers.

Mary continues to form the Body of Christ which is the Church, she gathers together the beloved children of the Father.

’Flesh is precious in God’s eyes, he prefers it before any other work, therefore it is normal He saves it.. Wouldn’t it be absurd that what was created with so much care, what the Creature considers as being the most precious than all the rest, would return to nothingness ?’

« Jesus replied ’The children of this world take wives and husbands, but those who are judged worthy of a place in the other world and in the resurrection from the dead do not marry, because they can no longer die, for they are the same as angels, and being children of the resurrection, they are children of God. »

Jesus’ answer underlines the narrowness of view of the people he speaks with who imagine the beyond of a way that is too earthly, they reduce eternal life to a simple prolongment of earthly life.

Jesus begins by showing that The Sadducees don’t know the Scriptures very well : ’God isn’t the God of the dead but of the Living.’, which implies that the Lord ’cannot abandon his friend to death, nor leave him to corruption.’

With Mary, the woman in her beauty and in her nobleness, the challenge of a perverted humanity is challenged.

She welcomes God’s gift, she is the porotype of the Mystery of the Church, the mystery of a new humanity.

Each time God gives Himself, he gives himself in a personal way. He personalises us in the reception of the gift He is. Our body is a body of love, a body of humility and gentleness similar to that of our King who is asking of Love, a Prince of Peace and of Gentleness.

He chases all pain away, all fear, all hatred, so a s to make sure that the Kingdom of God is built up in each one of us, it is the Resurrection of Christ who is at work and who takes on a Body in us.

« And Moses himself implies that the dead rise again, in the passage about the bush where he calls the Lord the God of Abraham, the God of saac and the God of Jacob. Now he is God, not of the dead, but of the living ; for to him everyone is alive. »

Faith in our Resurrection is founded upon his Word of Jesus, confirmed by the Father and confirmed by the Holy Spirit.

The object of our hope is not just simple survival but a divine disconcerting action, belonging to a new Creation, which will bring about for us ’what no one has ever seen, nor hard with his ears, whet man’s heart had never imagined, what has been prepared for those who love God.’

The state of glorified humanity, we live it in our earthly condition. Man and woman will love each other in God, who will give them a share in the Spirit in the fecundity of his Divine Love. Strengthened by this promise, ’let us look to realities above, and not towards those of the earth.

When Christ will appear in our lives, so we too shall appear with Him in full glory.’

Our present life is there where we can prepared ourselves to welcome Eternal life of God.

To believe in the Resurrection is to believe in the unique value of the human beings.

Jesus came to us, He will come again in Glory. Each on of us takes the same path after Him, the Way of Love. It is the path of deep adhesion, of deep choice, certainly, there are different ways in the mystery of Jesus who saves us all.We are already victorious for Jesus gives his Life to us.

We ask for the grace to enter into God’s Infinite Love.

Saturday 33rd week even numbered year

« Some Sadducees-those who argue that there is no resurrection- approached him and they put this question to him :’Master, Moses prescribed for us, if a man’s married brother dies childless, the man must marry the widow to raise up children for his brother. »

The Resurrection is at the heart of Christian faith for Jesus’ resurrection is the foundation of our hope faced with universal reality of death.

This reality of the ending of our earthly life has caused many refection throughout centuries. When we give an answer to the meaning of death, then we also determinate the meaning of life.

The Gospel has us enter into a whole new perspective of human life. It teaches us how Our Blessed Lady formed a body for Jesus out of Love, and that she gives us to Jesus, the Son of the Father who is revealed in this way.

Already Jesus’ resurrection is at work, it is constantly celebrated in the Paschal mystery which now nourishes our earthly pilgrimage sown with dangers.

Mary continues to form the Body of Christ which is the Church, she gathers together the beloved children of the Father.

’Flesh is precious in God’s eyes, he prefers it before any other work, therefore it is normal He saves it.. Wouldn’t it be absurd that what was created with so much care, what the Creature considers as being the most precious than all the rest, would return to nothingness ?’

« Jesus replied ’The children of this world take wives and husbands, but those who are judged worthy of a place in the other world and in the resurrection from the dead do not marry, because they can no longer die, for they are the same as angels, and being children of the resurrection, they are children of God. »

Jesus’ answer underlines the narrowness of view of the people he speaks with who imagine the beyond of a way that is too earthly, they reduce eternal life to a simple prolongment of earthly life.

Jesus begins by showing that The Sadducees don’t know the Scriptures very well : ’God isn’t the God of the dead but of the Living.’, which implies that the Lord ’cannot abandon his friend to death, nor leave him to corruption.’

With Mary, the woman in her beauty and in her nobleness, the challenge of a perverted humanity is challenged.

She welcomes God’s gift, she is the porotype of the Mystery of the Church, the mystery of a new humanity.

Each time God gives Himself, he gives himself in a personal way. He personalises us in the reception of the gift He is. Our body is a body of love, a body of humility and gentleness similar to that of our King who is asking of Love, a Prince of Peace and of Gentleness.

He chases all pain away, all fear, all hatred, so a s to make sure that the Kingdom of God is built up in each one of us, it is the Resurrection of Christ who is at work and who takes on a Body in us.

« And Moses himself implies that the dead rise again, in the passage about the bush where he calls the Lord the God of Abraham, the God of saac and the God of Jacob. Now he is God, not of the dead, but of the living ; for to him everyone is alive. »

Faith in our Resurrection is founded upon his Word of Jesus, confirmed by the Father and confirmed by the Holy Spirit.

The object of our hope is not just simple survival but a divine disconcerting action, belonging to a new Creation, which will bring about for us ’what no one has ever seen, nor hard with his ears, whet man’s heart had never imagined, what has been prepared for those who love God.’

The state of glorified humanity, we live it in our earthly condition. Man and woman will love each other in God, who will give them a share in the Spirit in the fecundity of his Divine Love. Strengthened by this promise, ’let us look to realities above, and not towards those of the earth.

When Christ will appear in our lives, so we too shall appear with Him in full glory.’

Our present life is there where we can prepared ourselves to welcome Eternal life of God.

To believe in the Resurrection is to believe in the unique value of the human beings.

Jesus came to us, He will come again in Glory. Each on of us takes the same path after Him, the Way of Love. It is the path of deep adhesion, of deep choice, certainly, there are different ways in the mystery of Jesus who saves us all.We are already victorious for Jesus gives his Life to us.

We ask for the grace to enter into God’s Infinite Love.

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