Forth Week of Lent - Quatrième semaine de Carême

2CH 36, 14-16.19-23 Ps.123 Eph. 2, 4-10 Jn. 3, 14-21

2 Ch 36,14-16.19-23 Ps.123 Eph.24-10 Jn.3,14-21

Is. 65, 17-21 Ps. 29 Jn. 4, 43-53

Ez. 47, 1_9.12 Ps. 45 Jn. 5, 1- 16

Wednesday of 4th week of Lent 9th March 2016 “In truth I tell you, by Himself the Son can do nothing ; he can do only what he sees the Father doing; and whatever the Father does, the Son does too.” Is.49;8-15 Ps.144 Jn.5,17-30 “After having healed the a paralysed man, Jesus (…)

Ex.32,7-14 Ps.105 Jn.5,31-47

Sg. 2,1a.12-22 Ps.33 Jn. 7, 1-2 10 25-30

Jr. 11 , 18-20 Ps. 7 Jn. 7, 40-53

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